Friday, May 27, 2005

What do you do when

People around you talk continously in Telugu and then turn to you and ask why you are so silent

The guy sitting behind you is staring at your screen while you mail and doesn't know that you know he is staring

Someone wearing an atrocious attire is asking for an opinion and you don't want to lie or burn bridges

You talk loudly about someone only to turn back and find him looking at you

Someone you are trying to avoid keeps coming on to you and socializing

You receive forwards from strangers at work

Your normally considerate PL loads with work at 7:00 p.m on a Friday and wants it to be done immediatly.

*Yes, I promise to make an attempt to stop cribbing all the time and blog about nice things in life too *


Anonymous said...

" What do u do ??? "
Smile and say
" Po daaaaa 'V' " !!!!
ha ha ha !!!
Jus kidding
Smile and make others also Smile !!

janani said...

@subs - lol! suggestion accepted! :-)

Sagnik Nandy said...

You talk loudly about someone only to turn back and find him looking at you

- Start laughing hysterically and say "He he gotcha - I new you were there"

You receive forwards from strangers at work
- Fwd it back to them multiple times

janani said...

@sagnik - all i could manage was a sheepish smile kinda thing. i have successfully avoided him since then though! :-)

yeah multiple forwards are a gud idea. i was thinking of calling him up and asking him why he was doing it, but this seems better! :-)